Implants in San Francisco & Glendale, CA

Implants in San Francisco & Glendale, CA

Dental implants are a permanent solution to missing teeth. They act as a replacement for your natural teeth and look, feel, and function like natural teeth.

What Are Dental Implants?

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root made of titanium metal. Dental implants are permanently anchored into the jawbone to serve as the foundation for replacement teeth.

Once anesthesia is administered, a small hole will be drilled into the jawbone and then the implant will be placed into it. The bone will then be left to heal and bond with the implant for several months before it is topped with a new dental crown or bridge. The crown or bridge is then cemented onto the abutment portion of the implant to complete the restoration process.

Although the placing of implants can take several months to complete and take place over a series of visits, they provide a permanent solution for missing teeth that can last a lifetime.

By completing a bone grafting procedure in addition to the dental implant placement procedure, the jawbone can be restored over time so that the artificial root can become even more secure within the jaw. This can help to prevent the loss of bone that naturally occurs after tooth loss.

Benefits of Dental Implants

When compared to other tooth replacement options such as removable partial dentures and full dentures, dental implants provide a more permanent solution that has not been seen to decay over time as natural teeth can. Also, implants do not cause problems to the mouth’s soft tissues, unlike dentures that  have been known to irritate gums and cause sores to develop on the mouth’s soft tissues. Moreover, implants are fused to the jawbone, so they will not shift or slide around in the mouth as dentures often do. 

Dental crowns and bridges can often last up to 15 years before needing to be replaced, and they last longer if supported by dental implants. However, a person’s lifestyle habits play a large role in the longevity of their dental implants. Consistent good oral hygiene practices and regular checkups at a dentist’s office will help to keep the integrity of an implant-supported restoration intact for as long as possible.

In short, the benefits of implants are many, and these benefits often outweigh those of dentures or bridges.

  • Dental implants look, feel, and function like natural teeth.
  • Dental implants are permanent, so they never need to be removed.
  • Dental implants stimulate the jawbone, helping to keep it healthy and strong.
  • Dental implants help to preserve the natural shape of your face.
  • Dental implants are more comfortable and easier to care for than other replacement options.

To learn more about our dental services, call Presidio Dental and schedule an initial consultation with one of our experienced dentists. We have dental offices at two convenient locations - San Francisco, CA, and Glendale, CA. 

Our Locations

3309 Fillmore St., San Francisco, CA 94123

Phone: (415) 737-0430


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  • TUE - THU9:00 am - 6:00 pm
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1010 North Glendale Ave, Suite 206, Glendale, CA 91206

Phone: (818) 638-3074


  • MON - FRI9:00 am - 6:00 pm
  • SAT - SUNClosed
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