Smile Makeover in San Francisco & Glendale, CA

Smile Makeover in San Francisco & Glendale, CA

The smile makeover procedure is a combination of different cosmetic dental treatments that improve the appearance of your smile. Smile makeovers can address various concerns, such as stained teeth, chipped teeth, crooked teeth, and missing teeth. Smile makeovers can also improve the appearance of the gums. 

What Is a Smile Makeover?

A smile makeover is a custom dental treatment plan that combines multiple cosmetic dental procedures to improve the overall appearance of your smile. Usually, a smile makeover will include teeth whitening and veneers to enhance the color and shape of your teeth respectively. If you have teeth that are chipped, cracked, or gapped, your dentist may suggest repairs through bonding or dental crowns. If you are suffering from severe tooth discoloration or white spots on a tooth, your dentist may also recommend porcelain veneers to correct the problem. Some patients may choose to combine orthodontics with their cosmetic dentistry procedures to achieve a straighter, more uniform smile as well. Our dentist will work closely with you to determine which combination of individual services will help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

Smile Makeover Treatments

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is one of the most common cosmetic dentistry procedures performed around the country. Laser whitening is one of the most advanced and effective techniques for lightening the color of your teeth by several shades in just one short visit. During laser whitening, your dentist will apply a bleaching agent to your teeth and then use a special laser to activate the formula. The active ingredient in the bleaching gel is what causes the change in color of the enamel of your teeth. Depending on your needs and preferences, our dentist may recommend one form of whitening over another. Talk with our dentist about the best options for brightening your smile.

Porcelain Veneers 

Porcelain veneers are one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures because they are versatile and can help correct a wide range of cosmetic issues. With porcelain veneers, patients can close the gaps between their teeth, lengthen their short teeth, or replace their old stained or discolored veneers. They can even make crooked teeth look straightened to create a perfect smile.

White Fillings

For patients with more significant tooth decay or damage, white fillings or all-ceramic restorations may be recommended. All-ceramic restorations provide the strength of metal amalgam fillings with the translucence of natural teeth. Unlike traditional silver filling options, the resin used in these fillings is tinted to match the surrounding teeth for a seamless appearance. These restorations are popular because they closely replicate the look of natural tooth enamel while also providing reliable and long-lasting results.

Patients who choose white fillings can enjoy many of the same benefits of composite and ceramic veneers, including improved durability and resistance to staining, cracking, and chipping. Additionally, patients may want to replace their silver fillings with tooth-colored restorations to reduce the appearance of aging and help rejuvenate their appearance.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are a permanent solution for missing teeth. A dental implant is a titanium post that’s surgically inserted into the jaw bone to serve as an artificial tooth root. Once the bone has healed and fused with the implant, an abutment is attached to the top of the implant and a dental crown that serves as the replacement tooth is secured to the abutment with a dental crown. In addition to replacing individual teeth, dental implants can also be used to support a bridge or denture.

Orthodontic Treatments

A smile makeover may include orthodontic treatment to straighten teeth that may be overlapped or crooked, creating a smile that is more aesthetically pleasing and in alignment with the patient’s facial proportions. Orthodontic treatment may also include procedures that restore proper bite alignment, increase the ability to chew and speak properly, and prevent future dental health issues down the line.

To learn more about our dental services, call Presidio Dental and schedule an initial consultation with one of our experienced dentists. We have dental offices at two convenient locations - San Francisco, CA, and Glendale, CA. 

Our Locations

3309 Fillmore St., San Francisco, CA 94123

Phone: (415) 737-0430


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1010 North Glendale Ave, Suite 206, Glendale, CA 91206

Phone: (818) 638-3074


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