If your teeth have been less than stellar lately due to tooth discoloration, we are happy to help. Our dentists provide ZOOM!® whitening, the leading brand of teeth whitening today. Tooth discoloration is a common occurrence, so you are not alone. Your pearly whites can become yellow, brown, and sometimes even grayish, depending on the cause which can be extrinsic or extrinsic. Extrinsic stains stem from outside sources which are often in your control. These include staining from the following:
Food—eating bright berries, curries and their sauces, or soy sauce.
Drink—regularly consuming coffee, tea, or red wine.
Tobacco—smoking or chewing tobacco.
Oral Hygiene Habits—not brushing and flossing daily.
Intrinsic stains come from conditions inside your tooth, causing it to darken, often from situations out of your control, and can be caused by the following:
Medications—antibiotics (tetracycline), antihistamines, antipsychotics, antihypertensive drugs.
Fluorosis—to much fluoride in your system.
Trauma—chipped or broken teeth can darken because of deadened nerves.
Dental fillings—a large amalgam filling can make the enamel appear grey.
Genetics—your family tree can cause you to be born with tooth discoloration.
Aging—daily wear and tear can darken teeth.
At Presidio Dental, the dental office of Dr. Karamyan and Dr. Abramyan, we are pleased to offer teeth whitening treatments for our patients in Seguin, Texas, and the surrounding areas. Our professional teeth whitening treatments use a powerful, safe whitening gel which is applied to the surface of your teeth. This gel lightens the appearance of stains, discoloration, and yellowing on your tooth enamel.
Our professional teeth whitening achieves a noticeably whiter smile to boost your self-confidence while brightening your smile. So if you are looking for a whiter, brighter smile, we invite you to let our skilled dentists, Dr. Karamyan and Dr. Abramyan, help. You can reach our dedicated team at 415.737.0430 today!