Even though your bridge is designed to last a long time, there are a few things can damage, loosen or pose a serious threat to its long term viability. Things like advanced periodontal disease, a hard fall or a blow to the face, can potentially damage a bridge or even loosen one or both abutments anchoring it in your mouth.
If your bridge is damaged, loose or knocked out, you need to call Presidio Dental as soon as possible to schedule an appointment. If the problem isn’t addressed in short order it can lead to serious complications.
In the time before we can get you in, there are a few things to keep in mind. If any part of your bridge is loose, you should not wiggle it, play with it with your tongue or attempt to brush it. The more you manipulate a loose bridge the more likely you are to damage the abutments anchoring it.
If the abutments are undamaged the dentists at Presidio Dental might be able to simple cement the bridge back in place.
If you have blood or debris in your mouth, from a blow to the face or a hard fall, you can gently rinse the area with salt water.
If the bridge is chipped, fractured, cracked or otherwise damaged, it may need to be replaced with a new bridge. It’s important to have this done as soon as possible as a damaged bridge can, in time cause damage to the abutments.
If you have a loose, or damaged bridge has you should call us as soon as possible at 415.737.0430 to schedule an appointment. We are dedicated to helping you fix the problem as soon as possible!